School offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities


Our Mission Statement

At St. Kentigern’s, everyone is valued, inspired and nurtured on their individual journey of success.


At St. Kentigern’s, we believe that supporting disability and difficulties in learning is part of our high quality, mainstream education service. Tackling the full range of pupil needs at St. Kentigern’s improves learning and the learning environment not only for SEND pupils but for everyone.



Mrs Sarah Brooks (Deputy Headteacher)

01253 393302


SEND and Inclusion

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Blackpool Local Offer 

The Blackpool SEND local offer directory has information about organisations and services available locally for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families.


Special Needs Provision at St. Kentigern’s Primary School

Our school is an inclusive school where every child is precious; we aim to address children’s needs and support their development in the most appropriate way possible and celebrate effort as much as achievement. Our school’s SEND policy is available on this website, detailing our philosophy in relation to SEND. Additional and/or different provision is currently being made in school for children with a range of needs, including:

  • Cognition and Learning – moderate learning difficulties; specific learning difficulties – dyslexia, dyspraxia.
  • Sensory, Medical and Physical – hearing impairment, sensory processing difficulties, epilepsy.
  • Communication and Interaction – Autistic Spectrum Disorder, speech and language difficulties.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety.

Staff are trained on the needs of new children joining the school – this can include training from specialist agencies or consultants, as well as from our SENDCo or other staff with relevant expertise. SEND training forms part of the continuing professional development of all teachers and Learning Support Assistants and is organised in accordance with the needs of the children.

The school works closely with other local schools (sharing training opportunities) and outside experts, as well as hosting training here at St. Kentigern’s.

The SENDCo meets with other SENDCos in the local area and attends cluster groups once per half term to review and plan the training, guidance and advice that staff share across the cluster.

Our school’s Accessibility Plan is on our school website and it outlines adaptations made to the building to meet particular needs and enhance learning.


Roles and Responsibilities

The SENDCo is responsible for the operation of the special educational needs policy and co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEND.

It is also the role of the SENDCo to liaise with staff to monitor the pupil’s progress and plan further interventions, where progress is slower than expected.

Regular contact with specialised outside agencies ensures advice and support is available for those pupils who need it.


How we identify individual special educational needs at St. Kentigern’s Primary School

  • When pupils have an identified SEND before they start at St. Kentigern’s Primary School, we work with the people who already know them and use the information already available to identify what their needs will be in our school setting.
  • If parents or carers tell school that they think their child has SEND, we will discuss this with them and carry out the necessary checks to ensure pupil’s needs are met. We will share our findings with parents and agree the next steps.
  • If a teacher thinks that a child has SEND, this maybe because the child may not be making expected progress academically or socially. If this is the case we will contact parents first and then carry out the necessary observations and assessments to pinpoint difficulties the child maybe experiencing.


How we involve pupils and their parents/carers

  • Pupils are involved with their personalised one page profiles, which contain details about the child including their strengths, interests and areas where they need support.
  • Regular meetings are held with class teachers and agencies (where appropriate) involved with the pupil.
  • When a pupil’s needs are more complex, they may be open to the Early Help strategy. This strategy assesses all aspects of the child’s learning and development from birth and the impact SEND has on the child and the family unit. A lead Early Help professional may be chosen, as part of this process, to act on the parents' behalf to ensure all actions are completed. More information about the Early Help Strategy can be found here: 

        Early help strategy (

  • Regular meetings are held between the class teacher, SENDCo and parents to discuss any concerns they have with their child’s special educational needs.
  • When conducting an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) transfer or review, we always invite children who are willing and able to share their feelings on their own development, progress and education.
  • Children always have an opportunity to share their feelings about their learning and experience of school.
  • Parents' support meetings are held  within school.
  • Parents' Evening is held twice a year and progress reports are given out.


How we adapt the curriculum so that we meet the needs of all pupils

  • Visual timetables are used across school to help all pupils.
  • Staff are trained and supported to ensure all pupils are able to learn at their level.
  • School uses a variety of resources, outside agencies and experts to support the needs of pupils who require specialised support.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to access the curriculum through a variety of teaching and learning strategies.
  • We invite pupils into school prior to the start of the academic year to meet class teacher.
  • At St. Kentigern’s, we teach an adaptive curriculum to ensure that the needs of all children are met.
  • Each pupil from Reception to Year 6 have a target for reading, writing and maths each half term, which enables children to have a personalised learning target to focus on. Pupils with SEND can make progress within these targets with targeted support.
  • A variety of computer programmes and programmes of study support teaching and are specifically aimed at pupils with SEND e.g. ‘IDL’ – a computer based multisensory programme to develop reading and spelling skills, Numicon, ELKLAN and Talkboost.
  • For children with specific identified or diagnosed needs, we work very closely with external agencies to ensure that the best possible support is in place (e.g. educational psychologist, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, specialist). Meetings are often held in school involving specialists (as noted above) and/or parents to set targets, evaluate progress and ensure consistency of approach in addressing needs in school and at home.


Transition to Secondary School

  • If a child has an EHCP, then the chosen secondary school representative is always invited to the review.
  • The secondary school representative is always invited in the spring/summer term and work is undertaken depending on need to ensure a smooth transition. This can be supported by outside agencies.


How we assess pupil progress

  • Class teachers have meetings with the SENDCo/Headteacher to ensure that every pupil is monitored regularly and support is put in place as needed.
  • Teachers check pupils' understanding in all lessons.
  • Teachers work collaboratively to ensure judgements on progress are accurate. These judgements are moderated at school, cluster and LA level.
  • The Headteacher, senior leadership team and subject leaders all monitor lessons and pupil progress to ensure every pupil has the opportunity to make progress in all areas of the curriculum. This is carried out through a cycle of monitoring.
  • Further information is available in the assessment policy on the school website.
  • Children with SEND who are not working within the targets linked to age related expectations are assessed using Blackpool Council's SEND milestones documents. This enables staff to track the small steps in progress that a child makes and ensures that children have meaningful targets that are both appropriate and achievable for them. 

SEND Milestones

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How we ensure the effectiveness of provision

  • There is a designated governor who has termly meetings with the SENDCo. During that meeting, an evaluation of provision across school is completed, this is then feedback to governors in the form of a termly SEND report.
  • The SENDCo will meet teachers to ensure the targets from previous meetings have been completed.
  • Learning walks and work scrutiny are completed by the SENDCo to ensure children are achieving their potential.
  • The assessment co-ordinator completes half termly data collection of children with SEND and feeds back to the SENDCo.


How we ensure equal opportunities

  • There is disabled access to the building.
  • There is an equipped disabled toilet facility.
  • When planning visits out of school, companies with accessible vehicles are hired if necessary.
  • All letters sent home are available in large print format.
  • All learning materials purchased reflect a range of disabled characters and address a range of experiences specific to those with a disability.
  • The PSHE curriculum teaches children about disability from emotional, physical and personal perspectives.
  • When collecting and interpreting data, disability is recognised as one of the comparative criteria considered, alongside race and gender. Data on children with Special Educational Needs is collected and analysed separately but children who are disabled are not necessarily within this group.
  • When appointing staff and governors, all applicants are treated equally regardless of disability, race or gender in line with all other school policies.


How we cater for children’s social and emotional health (SEMH)

  • All children are monitored through logs on Safeguard and these are updated whenever issues arise or parents/carers inform school of worries/anxieties. This is monitored by the SENDCo/Headteacher.
  • Some children are placed on the SEND register if they require additional SEMH support.
  • Strategies are put into place for children who need additional help and reviewed termly.
  • On occasions, outside agencies are involved through the Early Help system.


Agencies who support school

  • Behaviour Support Service
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • School Nurse
  • Schools Advisory Service


What to do if a parent has a concern

  • Contact the class teacher initially and explain the concerns which will then be passed on to the SENDCo.
  • If the concern has not be addressed to your satisfaction, contact Mrs Murray, the Headteacher.


Additional Support and Guidance

SENDIASS are always available to help parents who need extra support or advice to ensure their child's needs are fully catered for.

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